Workshop with


Opferschicht (lit. layer of victims), that's this adhesive film on the windows of the subway. It is used to cover the words and names scratched into the windows.

In the workshop Scars and Names, choreographer Kadir Amigo Memiş devotes himself to the urban culture of scratchitti, that is, the scratching of signs into the surface of means of transport, buildings, and bodies. Since 2005 he has been working on intersections between dance and writing, graffiti, and urban dance. He has developed his own dance script "Urban Calligraphy", which can be read as a representation of density and emptiness, dynamics and rhythm, speed and power of movements. In the Opferschicht workshop, participants have the opportunity to explore their bodies from an artistic point of view, to learn about the history and cultural meanings of graffiti and names.

This workshop is part of the Moving Concrete Festival. 

Moving Concrete Visual 2
Festival · 01. – 05.09.2021


Urban Dance Art