General Terms and Conditions

tanzhaus nrw e.V. / Courses & Workshops (Academy)

1. Scope of Application of the Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions apply to all contracts that are achieved between course participants and tanzhaus nrw e.V. (hereinafter referred to as tanzhaus nrw).

2. Registering for Courses & Workshops

Registering for courses and workshops is possible exclusively online via the tanzhaus nrw website. Incoming registrations are binding and lead to the conclusion of a contract, provided tanzhaus nrw does not expressly reject the application. Participants are not granted a right of revocation according to § 312g Paragraph 2 No. 9 BGB. Participants may only exempt themselves from a binding booking according to the cases regulated in clause 6.

Following a successful registration, participants will receive an automated confirmation of said registration sent to the provided email address. If conflicting terms arise that forbid a registration (for example, in case the course capacity has been met), tanzhaus nrw reserves the right to reject the registration without further statement. This case does not constitute an entitlement of the applicant to participate in a course or workshop.

If at all possible, please register as soon as possible following the course announcement, due to the limited number of places in each course. If the registration is carried out by a legal representative, this person will be held liable for said registration.

tanzhaus nrw reserves the right to cancel registrations where the registered participant does not correspond to the advertised age group or level of the course or workshop. Registration for a course or workshop is tied to the participant. The place is not transferable to another person.

3. Terms of Payment and Due Date of Course Rates / Default of Payment

The participants or their respective legal representatives will have to settle the course fee within seven (7) working days after receiving the invoice. The receipt of payment to the bank account stated below remains the relevant decisive factor to determine if the payment was made in good time:

Bank Details

tanzhaus nrw e.V.
Stadtsparkasse Düsseldorf
IBAN: DE11 30050110 0044 014736
Purpose: Name of Participant & Course Number

Please state the participant’s name as well as the invoice number in the transfer. If the course fee is not paid in due time, tanzhaus nrw reserves the right to claim indemnification according to applicable laws.

4. Course Rate Discount

Please refer to the respective tanzhaus nrw offerings for information on courses, workshops, or projects as well as for costs of open class or advanced training courses.

tanzhaus nrw offers a reduction on course fees diverging from the regularly intended rate in certain cases upon request at registration. tanzhaus nrw offers the following reductions on course fees for:

  • Students up to the completion of their 27th year
  • Düsselpass holders or participants with comparable certificates (the reduction must be coordinated with tanzhaus nrw in each individual case)
  • Frequent bookers according to the separately stated conditions on courses
  • Siblings participating in courses from the Teens & Kids programme during the same quarter

Please refer to the respective course offerings for more on individual reduction conditions.

If tanzhaus nrw grants a reduction on course fees upon registration, the participants will have to produce the applicable certifications (enrolment certificates or student identification, passport, Düsselpass, andsoforth) to tanzhaus nrw prior to the begin of the course run or at the latest at the start of the course or workshop. If the participants fail to produce the requested documentation in due time, tanzhaus nrw reserves the right to retract a temporarily granted reduction and to charge the full fee.

5. Health Issues and Personal Constitution During Courses

Upon registration, participants or their respective legal representatives in their stead declare that there are no existing medical conditions that prevent a participation in the course or workshop. The participants assure tanzhaus nrw to immediately end their participation in the respective course unit or that they refrain from showing up in case of medical complaints arising during course participation. tanzhaus nrw will not accept any liability for health issues and consequential damages incurred by participants.

6. Cancellation and Non-Participation in Courses and Course Units

tanzhaus nrw reserves the right to cancel announced courses and workshops in case of need (for example, in case the teacher fails to show up). This applies to both course offerings as a whole as well as to single course units (class hours). The participants will be notified about this cancellation in a timely manner, if possible. Should this occur, tanzhaus nrw will make an effort to make up for missed course units with an appropriate announcement to the participants. If a rescheduling proves impossible, tanzhaus nrw will reimburse the course fee paid to the participants.

If a participant is prevented from taking part in a course or workshop, a right to reimbursement of course fees paid only arises if said participant notifies tanzhaus nrw of their cancellation a week prior to the course or workshop beginning at the latest. In this case, the participants will receive their already paid course fee back. Other cases will not warrant a reimbursement of the course fee. Any non-participation that fails to have been notified in due time, a premature course cancellation or a non-claiming of the course does not constitute a right to forfeit payment obligations. We would like to point out that lessons missed through their own fault are at the expense of the participants.

7. Execution of Courses and Workshops

tanzhaus nrw reserves the right to freely conduct courses in all respects with regards to scheduling and personnel. There is no legal claim that announced courses will actually take place if a deviation from the course offerings could not be prevented by tanzhaus nrw (if, for example, a teacher has to cancel). Participants will be informed about any deviation from course schedules from the announced offerings in a timely manner, if possible.

8. Privacy and Consent

The participants declare their consent to their client data being stored in the association’s proprietary IT system upon registration. This data is shielded from the access of non-authorised personnel and remains open only to entitled tanzhaus nrw staff. The data is subject to privacy provisions and will not be relayed to any third parties.

The participants declare their consent that their data provided on registration may be used for the submission of information on course programmes and other tanzhaus nrw activities, especially via email, even after the termination of the course. This consent may be withdrawn at any time in writing to tanzhaus nrw.

When registering, the participants also declare their consent that tanzhaus nrw receives the unlimited rights to use all photographic or video material made in the context of their engagement with tanzhaus nrw, without compensation. This consent may be withdrawn with regards to future use at any time in writing to tanzhaus nrw.

Additionally, please refer to the separate tanzhaus nrw privacy statement. This applies without restrictions.

9. Change of Member Data

The participants commit themselves to communicate all changes in data relating to their contract (name, address, email andsoforth) to tanzhaus nrw in writing immediately. Costs incurred to tanzhaus nrw that arise from a failure of the participants to communicate their change of data immediately will be reimbursed by the participants.

10. Conduct Within Dance Class Premises

You may not bring accompanying persons who are not participating in the course programme if the responsible course instructor does not allow it. It is not permitted to produce proprietary film or photo material and recordings.

11. Final Provisions

Should one or more of these provisions become void, said provisions shall be replaced with ones that closely approximate the original ruling. Apart from this, the effectiveness of the Terms and Conditions shall hold.

12. Miscellaneous

Please observe the separate distancing and hygiene regulations at tanzhaus nrw. Participants shall separately take note of these regulations and are obliged to adhere to them.