Menschen liegen schlafend auf dem Boden von Decken und Kissen umhüllt. Ein olivegrüner Schleier verläuft über das Bild.

dances of transgression

part II: 07.02. – 23.02.2025

At the intersection of dance, mysticism, and resistance, the second edition in the dances of transgression series in February of 2025 invites its audience to explore new perspectives. Beyond the known, the artists will take the public on a journey that transforms the perception of body and community. Transgression – the conscious violation of norm and convention – is a multilayered concept in art that has always inspired and challenged artists. Transgressive art destabilises rigid notions of body, identity, and society, questions rules and systems and creates spaces for the unknown, the unexpected, and the future. It emits impulse for the discussion for questions of power structures, gender roles, and cultural identity.
dances of transgression part II initiates spaces in which transgressive dances may shift perception and thought. This edition’s artists – Taoufiq Izeddiou, Parisa Madani, Dorothée Munyaneza, and Clara Furey – present artistically exceptional experiments between ritual and scenario during which physical borderline experiences are transferred into collective encounter. dances of transgression part II probes for the potential of movement as a form of resistance and invites the audience to rediscover the ecstatic and transformative potential of dance. The choreographic creations therein form a multifaceted mesh of trance, dream, and transformation – powerful, hypnotic, and deeply touching.