
Welcome to the tanzhaus nrw press area. Here, you will find general information about the house, press releases for the current programme and beyond as well as up-to-date printable quality event pictures from the ongoing programme. The pictures are available to use free of charge if exclusively in a tanzhaus nrw events context and must credit the artist(s)/ company, the performance title as well as respective photographer(s).

We will gladly provide more pictures if requested and will be glad to assist with any questions, interview requests and searching topics.

If you like to receive regular updates, we will gladly include you in our monthly email press distribution. Please provide your contact details to Dr. Verena Anker

facade/rooms tanzhaus nrw (zip)

Logo tanzhaus nrw (zip)


Fassade des tnazhaus nrw mit Banner

Pressebilder Januar 2025

Pressebilder Februar 2025

Pressebilder März 2025

Press Releases (currently only available in German)

dances of transgression (part I)

Choreografische Grenzerfahrungen am tanzhaus nrw

25 Jahre tanzhaus nrw

Düsseldorfer Tanzinstitution eröffnet neue Spielzeit mit Jubiläumsfestival

Presskit about the artistic and managing director

Ingrida Gerbutavičiūtė wird neue Intendantin am tanzhaus nrw ab der Spielzeit 2022/23


Ingrida Gerbutavičiūtė becomes new tanzhaus nrw artistic and managing director, starting in the 2022/23 season

Press release