Zwei Personen sind auf einer Tanzfläche umringt von Menschen. Die vordere Person kniet auf einem Bein und hat die Unterarme mit etwas Abstand vor ihr Gesicht gehoben. Sie trägt eine Sonnenbrille. Die andere Person liegt auf die Unterarme gestützt auf dem Rücken und hat ein Bein nach oben gestreckt.
Festival · 06. – 08.09.2024

The Evergreen Festival

Off the Beaten Path and into Reality

The Shapes&Shades collective opens our new season with an extraordinary ballroom weekend! Having last guested at tanzhaus nrw with the Weekend Extravanganza during Halloween 2022, Düsseldorf Ballroom Collective now invites the audience to a three-day programme in 2024: This will convey and celebrate the art, the history, the aesthetics, the sound, and not least the energy in Ballroom culture in various contexts. Alongside the Major Ball and workshops, the Performance Night, in which artists ZOE and mandhla. make Ballroom accessible as a vibrant and empowering cultural and artistic practice within a stage context, will be a first. Highlight of the weekend will be the Major Ball, for the first time held at the Great Hall, during which the international community meets, encountering and battling each other over several performance categories. For community members, a brunch at the theatre museum will serve as the closing event.

Das Evergreen Festival is a series of events co-produced by tanzhaus nrw as part of Shapes & Shades Ballroom Community Programm “Taking Root“ 2024. The programme is funded by Diversitätsfonds des MKW and Soziokultur NRW funded and supported by Theatermuseum Düsseldorf.