Ein Performer in schwarzer Kleidung befindet sich auf einer Bühne. Er ist von transparenten Wänden umgeben, auf die wellenartige Linien projiziert sind.
Festival · 06. – 15.01.2023


Festival for dance and technology

Festival TEMPS D’IMAGES has been presenting and supporting artistic positions at the intersection of digital media, new technology, and dance for more than 15 years now. The 2023 festival edition provides insights into the way artists reacted to the immense acceleration, engendered by the pandemic, within the digitisation of community and everyday life, how they gauge out potential, how they look towards the future. They encounter frenzy, unease, and states of indifference with humour, full of hope and analysis, putting forward inspiring and surprising perspectives on new-old questions: Will humans be subsumed into an algorithm universe? How do we shape the relation to an A.I.? How do streaming formats change what we experience as being live, which kinds of images do we create from ourselves, and how do we interact with each other? Can the energy of viral choirs from the internet deliver us from solitude and sadness?
Festival TEMPS D’IMAGES fans out a broad spectrum of aesthetic approaches and formats as it shows both grand-scale, spectacular stage works as well as installation-based augmented realities and intimate one-on-one performances in which the audience members become participants.