Zeitgenössischer Tanz

Professional Training with Ricardo Campos Freire

The professional training offers – depending on the instructor and their artistic background – a regular training in classical ballet and different forms of contemporary dance. With different instructors every week you have the possibility to get to know a wide range of techniques and teaching methods while maintaining a regular training routine. 

Portrait Ricardo Campos Freire

Ricardo Campos Freire

Ricardo Campos Freire is a versatile artist from Lisbon, Portugal. Trained at Superior Dance School in Lisbon and Stockholm University of the Arts, he danced with renowned companies across Europe. Collaborating with esteemed choreographers like Mauro Bigonzetti and Cayetano Soto, Ricardo's talent garnered recognition, earning him the Smiljana Mandukic Award in 2015 as the best dancer of the year. Since 2011, he's been crafting compelling choreography, with notable pieces like “Apart” and “Public Domain” winning acclaim. His work has been shown in stages worldwide, from Italy to South Korea, showcasing his
dynamic creativity.
“As a choreographer, my essence lies in the connection with and dedication to the dancers. Exploring a rich spectrum of challenges and emotions, the essence of purposeful movement drives my creative intuition and informs my choreographic endeavors. Each project carries its own unique mindset and specific objectives, allowing my body to give shape to my artistic expression. The ambiance cultivated in every creation forges a profound bond between the dancers and the audience. The aspiration to touch the audience on an emotional level by addressing pertinent themes and conveying a message remains a steadfast principle in my work. Crafting narratives with depth and dramaturgy grants each dancer a personal connection, enabling them to resonate with others and invite them on their artistic journey.”


  • Course number
  • Type
    Open Class
  • Title
    Zeitgenössischer Tanz
  • Instructor
    Ricardo Campos Freire
  • Start date
    10:30 – 12:00
  • Please note

    Einzelticket 8,00 €, Zehnerticket 75,00 €, zahlbar vor Ort

  • Fee