Perfomer steht auf dunkler Bühne im Hintergrund lila Licht, das die Umrisse des Performers erkennen lässt

MODINA Showcase

Dancing in the Digital Age: Navigating Intersections of Dance, Digital Innovation, and Audience Engagement

Intersections of dance, digital innovation, and audience engagement strategies to reach to different audiences form the core of EU project "MODINA: Movement, Digital Intelligence and Interactive Audience." Artists and scientists at three academic institutions and five dance houses in six European countries conduct this research, from 2023 until 2026. The results are new software tools, new installations, new stage pieces – and, foremost, more experience, knowledge, and opportunities for actives in the field of contemporary dance.
As part of the MODINA Showcase, project partners Hochschule Düsseldorf and tanzhaus nrw present various artistic works by the selected artist group, works that deal with AI and interactive technology. Additionally, there will be a discussion in the form of a panel with the artists on the developing landscape of digital arts and its effects on the future of dance. What impact does digital innovation have on creative processes by dance artists? And how do the roles and the experiences of the audiences transform? During the talk, we will take a closer look at the performances presented.

Sat 12.10. 18:00 – 19:30 MODINA Panel, Foyer