
a dance routine
Big stage
18 €, reduced from 9 €
Portraitfoto des Kollektivs Senzenberger|rieck. Beide sitzen auf dem Boden und haben ihre Beine ausgestreckt, die Beine der Person links liegen über denen der anderen Person. Sie stützen isch mit ihrer linken Hand ab und bilden mit der ausgestreckten rechten Hand ein Herz. Beide tragen hellblaue Jeans und ein trikotartiges Oberteil aus verschiedenen Stoffen.

senzenberger|rieck, in this duet, combine dance routines from commercial, contemporary, and internet dances into a vibrant choreography. In a game of acceleration and deceleration, dynamics and rest, a dance routine is created that lets its own temporal state and atmosphere emerge, between digital dance trends and the movements of physical bodies in space. Tender and playful movements meet moments of cooled-off distance under a precise direction, while an unexpected space of intimacy opens on stage.

Duration: 60 min.

Read our interview with Katharina and Miriam on a dance routine HERE.

Accompanying programme

Sat 26.10. 11:00


Sat 26.10. 21:30
In the foyer, free entry

Sharing a dance mit senzenberger|rieck 
Practice-orientated workshop, Flinta* only


Everybody Danceoke: Dancetrend Edition
Dance karaoke with Olivia Hyunsin Kim



Concept, choreography, dance: Katharina Senzenberger, Miriam Rieck; music, composition, sound: Isabella Forster; dramaturgy: Valerie Wehrens; lighting design, stage: Renate Mihatsch; costume, outside eye: Judith Förster.

Supported by the Bündnis Internationaler Produktionshäuser, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media.