
Plötzlich überquert ein Faultier die Straße (Suddenly a sloth crosses the street)

Céline Bellut
Big stage
27.05.2023 – 28.05.2023
Drei Personen in hautengen Ganzkörperanzügen mit verschiedenen Tierprints kriechen über den Boden in einem Parkhaus
Drei Personen in hautengen Ganzkörperanzügen mit verschiedenen Tierprints posieren auf einer Treppe
Drei Tänzer*innen posieren vor einem lila bunten Hintergrund. Ein*e Tänzer*in liegt vor den beiden anderen auf dem Bauch, die anderen hinter ihr knieen auf einem Bein.
Drei Tänzer*innen bewegen sich stürmisch stehend vor einem lila bunten Hintergrund.

Can physical impulse provide access to authenticity?

Does disobedience present a pathway to freedom?

Plötzlich überquert ein Faultier die Straße (Suddenly a sloth crosses the street) deals with the topic of disobedience over four different acts that open up varying perspectives. The piece reflects entertainment consumerism so prevalent in contemporary society, criticising the abuse of a culture that demands virtuosic and obedient bodies. Thereby, a kind of homage to Vaslav Nijinsky’s ballet Prélude à l’après-midi d’un faune as the embodiment of a(n) (r)evolution is made: An insurgency against artificially established aesthetics. The performers are in constant negotiation with their movement impulses and their functions as moving and representing bodies on stage. Unyielding and uncontrollable, they only follow the methods of non-obedience, of rebellion, of countering, but also of a search for alternatives.

With a team of five artists, Cologne-based French choreographer and performer Céline Bellut explores disobedience from human and non-human perspectives and demonstrates different forms of living and movement.

Duration: ca. 60 min.

Accompanying programme
Sun 28.05. Talk after the performance


I like this image of a sloth crossing the road precisely because of this slowness and gentleness. I personally don't try to meet violence with violence. Gentleness will always find its way. That's also why I don't do a confrontational piece, but show another reality, a soft reality.

Read more about Céline Bellut's world premiere Suddenly a Sloth Crosses the Street in the interview.

Read the Interview

Céline Bellut trägt einen Pelzmantel und hat den Mund aufgerissen als würde sie schreien.

Artistic direction, choreography, performance: Céline Bellut; co-creation, performance: Jordan Gigout, Ying Yun Chen; music composition: Jakob Lorenz; video: Maylis Sanchez; lighting design: Laura Salerno; costumes: Saskia Holte; dramaturgy: Peter Haas; photographer: Hans Diernberger; costume production: Julia Daubner, Peter Haas, Camilo Sandoval; production assistance: Federico Rossi. 

Co-production with tanzhaus NRW Düsseldorf and Tanzfaktur Köln. 
Supported by Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of the NEUSTART KULTUR program and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste.
This project was realized with the support of FREIRAUM, collaborative conceptual and working space for the arts and with the support of the residency program Tanzatelier 0.10 in the Quartier am Hafen.