Through My Movements: Choreografischer Prozess und Praxis im House Dance

Workshop with

This workshop deals with the choreographic practice of House dance in a theatre creation context, using a wide range of methodologies and critical perspectives, such as interdisciplinary ways and processes in performance. This workshop places an emphasis on processes and practices over producing. To Willie, choreography is the creation, design, and structure of movement, scores, or steps on/with physical bodies. In this workshop, participants will gather movement material through improvisation using House Dance dance technics by developing scores, movements, or steps found. The improvisational process will be guided by questions like: Why do I do this movement? What does it mean to me and to the work? What do I want to say, express by doing so? Am I producing more than improvising? What is my relationship with this score and how can I embody it? The goal of the workshop is to not only « produce material » but question it and find different ways and methods to bring House dance into a Theater performance context.

This workshop is part of the Moving Concrete festival.

Moving Concrete Visual 2
Festival · 01. – 05.09.2021


Urban Dance Art