Hatha Yoga Flow

Workshop with Nadja Görts

Hatha means sun and moon in Sanskrit. Hatha yoga can help us to emerge more relaxed and stronger, to combine the opposites of sun and moon within us. Asanas and breathing exercises are combined to allow the energy in the body to flow more freely.

Yoga is suitable for everyone, it is about a loving approach to body and soul. 

Porträt Nadja Görts

Nadja Görts

Nadja Görts was last dancing in Musicals and she has an MA degree in Dance Pedagogy, Research and Artistic Practice from Sporthochschule Cologne. As a choreographer she has worked in Germany and internationally in Greece, Spain, Cyprus and Tunisia. Her recent dance film „Würde“ received several awards in international festivals. As a music theatre pedagogue she regularly supports the team at Junge Oper am Rhein. Her training as a yoga teacher with a specialization in yoga therapy, dance and movement pedagogy was undertaken in Bali and she has been working as a yoga teacher and trainer for several years. Nadja is also a full-time mum of a two-year old daughter and experiences from her own pregnancy have influenced her personal teaching style.


  • Course number
  • Type
  • Title
    Hatha Yoga Flow
  • Instructor
    Nadja Görts
  • Date
    Sat 11:00 – 12:30
  • Fee
    21,00€ / 18,00€ discount