Raphael Stora Festival · 27. – 27.04.2024 Night of Museums About Artistic programme Past Events Night of Museums Raphael Stora Nacht der Museen (Night of the Museums) / German Premiere Saïdo Lehlouh Témoin 20 urban dancers channel their collective energies in an explosive dance piece by renowned urban choreographer Saïdo Lehlouh. Témoin is part... Dates Click here for festivals, topics & series to the specials Past stage events to the archive
Night of Museums Raphael Stora Nacht der Museen (Night of the Museums) / German Premiere Saïdo Lehlouh Témoin 20 urban dancers channel their collective energies in an explosive dance piece by renowned urban choreographer Saïdo Lehlouh. Témoin is part... Dates
Meinrad Hofer Festival · 17. – 26.01.2025 TEMPS D'IMAGES Festival für Tanz und Technologien to the festival
Katja Illner Topic Labor für kreative Audiodeskription Community of Reception von Fia/Sophia Neises und Zwoisy Mears-Clarke to the topic
Kris Moor Topic MODINA Showcase Dancing in the Digital Age: Navigating Intersections of Dance, Digital Innovation, and Audience Engagement to the topic