Reversed Piece
Many a thing around us becomes defined, categorised, and therefore, levelled. Absolute truths are propagated, contexts oversimplified. Reversed Piece confronts this pabulum by giving it much space and time for diversity, looking for the absurd in apparent logic. A world is born on stage which the audience does not, at first, understand. Peculiar, but interesting. Intuitively comprehensible, yet still strange. Actions transpire in reverse and fall off the train. Two dancers search for the missing logic, go astray in reversal, while discovering the magic of leaving behind habitual patterns. Between dance, sound worlds and object interactions, new creatures and worlds full of undefinable variety unfold. Does volatility and immeasurability even need a name and category? Are two people on stage really only two, or are they many?
Duration: 50 min.
Age recommendation 8+
Without language. Use of loud music, fog and possibly strobe.
Fri 17.11. 09:30 Sun 19.11. 14:30 Mon 20.11. 09:30 |
Moving introduction: Annika Wolf Moving introduction: Paolo Fossa Moving introduction: Paolo Fossa
Artistic direction: Jana Griess, Julia Mota Carvalho, Martin Rascher; dance: Baptiste Bersoux, Josephine Kalies; direction, choreography: Jana Griess, Julia Mota Carvalho; idea, dramaturgy, original music: Martin Rascher; costume, set: Andrea Barba; lighting: Pascal Gehrke; executive producer: Martin Rascher; production management: Dina ed Dik; assistant director: Nancy Pönitz; cultural mediation p:g: Samira Clausius.
Reversed Piece is a production by performing:group in co-production with tanzhaus nrw, Comedia Theater, Theater der Jungen Welt Leipzig and Theater FELD, funded by the Kulturamt der Stadt Köln, take-off: Junger Tanz; Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.