Gentle Unicorn

Chiara Bersani
Big Stage
20.01.2023 – 21.01.2023
Die Performerin Chiara Bersani kniet auf dem Boden und kämmt sich mit geschlossenen Augen die Haare.
Die Performerin Chiara Bersani kniet auf dem Boden und kämmt sich die Haare. Vor ihr liegt eine Trompete im dunkel ausgeleuchteten Raum.
Die Performin Chiara Bersani liegt auf dem Bühnenboden, sie ist von hinten zu sehen.

What if the unicorn is just an erroneously interpreted ox from a Bronze Age depiction? Historians maintain that the second horn remains concealed behind the first one in two-dimensional illustration. The origins of the creature – a pop-cultural phenomenon today – remain shrouded in mystery. The unicorn, a symbol of extinction and fragility, became a mythological figure without being traceable to one specific myth.

In a piece on the political body and its social role, Chiara Bersani is directing her efforts towards the unicorn, to free it from injustice suffered and to present a new story. Gentle Unicorn shows how to respond to social ascriptions and a voyeuristic gaze. Or how to elegantly subvert them. In short: a solo of subtle beauty.

Duration: 50 min.

With an admission ticket
for the performances Chiara Bersani: Gentle Unicorn on 20.01., and 21.01. you get half-price admission to the exhibition "Es liebt Dich und deine Körperlichkeit ein Verwirrter - Carina Brandes, Florian Krewer und Raphaela Simon" at the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf. The offer is valid for the duration of the exhibition until February 19, 2023.


Accompanying Programme
Fr 20.01. Talk afterwards


By and with: Chiara Bersani; Sound Design: Fra De Isabella; Technical Direction, Lighting Design: Valeria Foti; Stage Manager: Paolo Tizianel; Dramaturgy: Gaia Clotilde Chernetih; Movement Coaching: Marta Ciappina; Artistic Consultation: Marco D’Agostin; Supervision: Alessandro Sciarroni; Maske: Elisa Orlandini; Production Management: Eleonora Cavallo; Administrative Consulting: Chiara Fava; Distribution: Giulia Traversi; Communication: Dalila D'Amico

A production by Associazione Culturale Corpoceleste_C.C.00# in co-production with Santarcangelo Festival, CSC – Centro per la Scena Contemporanea (Bassano del Grappa) with support of Centrale Fies (Drò), Graner (Barcelona), Carrozzerie/N.o.T. (Rom), CapoTrave/Kilowatt (Sansepolcro), ResiDance XL – luoghi e progetti di residenza per creazioni coreografiche azione della Rete Anticorpi XL – Network anticorpi XL.

Sponsored by the Aerowaves Network 2022, co-funded by the European Union, and the Kunststiftung NRW.