On Contemporary Flamenco Practice
Juan Carlos Lérida gathers local and international actors in contemporary flamenco throughout a succession of three Zoom talks. They scrutinise flamenco by posing three questions. To expand the flamenco language – in the artistic, scenic, and pedagogical realms –, the talks center around the transfer of ideas and experiences. The look on flamenco is one through an interdisciplinary kaleidoscope, in conjunction with our environment, in order to enable an imagining of future forms of practice.
Link for all talks: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82693758613?pwd=dTlzWXlLR3dzcFpnSi91SEdtaGRWUT09
Meeting-ID: 826 9375 8613
Kenncode: 275432
Fri 29.10.
Talk I
Flamenco last year
Juan Carlos Lérida in conversation with Vanesa Aibar, Marco Flores and Eduardo Guerrero
in Spanish and English
Duration: 60 min.
Sat 30.10.
Talk II
Critical Flamenco
Fernando López Rodríguez in conversation with Bruno Ramri (Mexico), Anna Natt (Germany) and Ryan Rockmore (USA)
in English
Duration: 75 min.
Sun 31.10.
Talk III
Susanne Zellinger in conversation with different Flamenco-artists and companies outside of Spain: Myriam Allard (La Otra Orilla, Canada), Noemí Luz (Dotdotdot Dance, England) and Yota Baron (Greece and Netherlands)
in English
Duration: 60 min.