Online Talk

Inherited priviledges. A talk

Zwoisy Mears-Clarke, Venuri Perera & Amma Yeboah
auf dem tanzhaus Vimeo frei zugänglich
Screenshot des Zoom-Gesprächs eingebettet in eine Volume-Up Grafik

In the film “Porcelain White: The Conversation,” Zwoisy Mears-Clarke and Venuri Perera unravel their complicity and untangle the complexity and the limits of their inherited privilege.  Our discussion about this cinematic work will take place in an online talk, hosted by specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy and lecturer Dr. Amma Yeboah. They negotiate the ambiguous messages from parents between white-washed dreams of success and the connection to family roots as well as ‘white’ performance. Accompanied by Amma Yeboah, Zwoisy Mears-Clarke and Venuri Perera maneuver their way through a complex field of topics related to classicism, decolonization and racism, connecting back to their artistic practices.


Amma Yeboah is a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy as well as psychodynamic supervisor and coach. Her teaching and research focus on health and gender, gender-specific care, racism and mental health, intersectionality in medicine as well as post-traumatic disorders. Furthermore, she is active in anti-discrimination work with a focus on structural violence in medicine.

Venuri Perera is a choreographer and performance artist from Colombo, Sri Lanka. Colombo. Her works have dealt with violent nationalism, patriarchy, border politics and the power dynamics of gaze. She is interested in the power of vulnerability, and creating conditions for empathy.

Zwoisy Mears-Clarke is a choreographer of the encounter. Zwoisy uses the expanded potentiality of dance to confront forms of oppression such as neocolonialism, sexism and ableism to open encounters that might otherwise seem unreachable. Zwoisy is currently based in Rösrath, NRW.


Starting Fri 11.12. 17:00
Free on tanzhaus nrw-Vimeo

Duration: 50 Min. / in English with German subtitles

The talk takes place as part of the VOLUME UP series, funded by the Kunststiftung NRW.