German Premiere

»Face In« & »Let’s Talk About Dis«

Candoco Dance Company / Yasmeen Godder & Hetain Patel
Big Stage
25.05.2018 – 26.05.2018
Drei Tänzerinnen auf der Bühne in bunter Kleidung.

Choreographer Yasmeen Godder and visual artist Hetain Patel created a double programme for the London-based Candoco Dance Company. Dancers with or without disability collaborate in this company. Yasmeen Godder’s “Face In” is an ode to imagination that deploys a wholly idiosyncratic force, with disruptive images and an overflowing urge for movement. With great delight, the seven dancers fathom banalities as well as extremes. Faces draw grimaces, social conventions become unhinged, it almost seems as if nature’s laws have been put out of order. This turbulent fictional world appears familiar yet distorted at the same time. In contrast, the dancers in “Let’s Talk About Dis” do not only throw their bodies but also their personalities and experiences into the ring. They surrender to a playful interrogation of identity and disability, beyond outer appearance and superficial prejudice. Hetain Patel lets them play on the keys of humour, from charming to silly to sinister. Because misunderstandings are not only a question of spoken or sign language – and they are no reason for despair.

The Candoco Dance Company collaborates with internationally known choreographers. Additionally, it provides ground-breaking work in education and mediacy. Israeli choreographer Yasmeen Godder, working with Candoco for the first time, dedicates her research to alternative modes of movement, composition and staging formats. Her stagings regularly guest at tanzhaus nrw, most currently with the participative performance “SIMPLE ACTION”. Visual artist Hetain Patel creates cross-genre work between visual arts, theatre and film. His “Don’t Look at the Finger” video was shown at children and youth festival “You’re invited, if that’s ok?” at the tanzhaus nrw.


Duration: 90 min. including a short break

Accompanying Programme
Fri 25.05.

19:30 discussion in the framework of »Academies on the move«

discussion afterwards

Sat 26.05. 19:00 physical introduction


Dance: Megan Armishaw, Joel Brown, Mickaella Dantas, Olivia Edginton, Laura Patay, Toke Broni Strandby, Nicolas Vendange; »Face In« Concept, Choreography, Direction: Yasmeen Godder; Dramaturgy: Itzik Giuli; Stage Design: Gareth Green; Light Design: Seth Rook Williams; Costumes: Adam Kalderon; Sound Edit: Nathan Johnson; Music: Joe Colley and Jason Lescallee, Brandt Brauer Frick; »Let’s Talk About Dis« Concept, Choreography, Direction: Hetain Patel; Cooperation Choreography: Lorena Randi; Text: Hetain Patel and the Company; Light Design: Jackie Shemesh; Costumes: Valentina Golfieri; Dramaturgy: Eva Martinez; Choir Consultation: Dom Stichbury; BSL Translation: fingersmiths; Consultation Accessibility: Deepa Shastri.
A production by Candoco Dance Company. »Face In« was developed in commission of the Festival Oriente Occidente and the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance. »Let’s Talk About Dis« was developed in commission of ArtsDepot and is funded by the Cockayne Foundation and the London Community Foundation. The guest performance takes place in the framework of the series »response­ability. Eine Ethik der Begegnung«, funded by the Kunststiftung NRW.