
Course with Diene „Waaw Waaw“ Sagna

Highly energetic and powerful dance of the Wolof in Senegal, that is being danced to the sounds of Sabar drums. The live musicians respond immediatly to the dancers by emphasizing movement accents and percussively presaging transitions. Skilled drummers can anticipate the movements of a dancer and thus create a dynamic community with them. Central to the lessons are expression and joy in movement. The aim is to find or deepen the (re)connection with the floor and establishing a good feeling for the entirety of our body through the slow building up of choreographies.


Diene „Waaw Waaw“ Sagna

Diene "Waaw Waaw" Sagna grew up in Senegal and founded his own dance company Yaye Dib Dance there in 2008. Diene Sagna is considered a master of Sabar dance and has worked with artists such as Baaba Maal, Youssou N`Dour, Mory Kanté and Coumba Gawlo Seck. He has also been organising regular dance workshops in Senegal since 2011, which are aimed at an international audience. Diene is recognised for his friendly and motivating as well as challenging way of teaching. His classes are welcoming to everyone. For him as a teacher and artist, the tanzhaus nrw is an important place of encounter: "For me, the tanzhaus nrw is like a big family where everyone believes in one thing - dance." With dedication, Diene, who now lives in Bonn, devotes himself to promoting West African art and culture. Performances, courses, workshops and other events have taken him to 40 countries so far.


  • Course number
  • Type
  • Title
  • Instructor
    Diene „Waaw Waaw“ Sagna
  • Start date
    Tue 18:00 – 19:30
  • Fee
    288,00€ / 240,00€ discount