Now & Next

with works by Ander Ballarin & Emma Stacey, Isabel Carvalho and Sonja Reischl
Small Stage
18 €, reduced from 9 €
Ein*e Performer*in krabbelt über den Boden und ein*e weitere*r Performer*in steht über ihm*ihr.

Ander Ballarin & Emma Stacey

Portraitfoto von Sonja Reischl

Sonja Reischl

Die Performerin Isabel Carvalho steht nackt auf einer Bühne, nur ihre Arme sind mit Ärmeln bekleidet. Sie hat ihre Arme in die Luft gestreckt, ihre Hände krallenartig geformt. Vor ihr liegen roter und grüner Stoff und

Isabel Carvalho

The platform for up-and-coming choreographers regularly shows first works, projects, and works-in-progress by North Rhine-Westphalian artists. Up to three short pieces will be presented during one evening. Afterwards, there will be an exchange with the artists. We will publish the full programme here on the website at the beginning of the new year.

Duration: 90 min. approx.

Accompanying Programme
Sat 29.03. subsequent talk in the Foyer

Ander Ballarin & Emma Stacey: Risking my life so you can sleep tightly

Who let the dogs out? The dogs that trample the ground, radiating panic, power and punishment. They make us fear, fuck them and wince in their presence. From your best friend's lover to a family member, from the person sitting next to you in the tram to the kiosk owner you buy your beer from. Police brutality is not only destroying single livelihoods but also letting authoritarianism seep into our daily routines.

Risking my life so you can sleep tightly
, a research project by Ander Ballarin and Emma Stacey, accompanied by Tomás Andreas Müller Vargas on electric guitar, looking at protest as a crucible where new normativity emerges. Demonstrations become urgent spaces where traditional norms are at stake. Diverse identities intersect, forging alternative forms of community and resistance. Protesters reimagine what is possible, envisioning a future guided by their own present actions. This can involve a process of self-discovery and self-affirmation, as individuals embrace their identities.

Ander Ballarin and Emma Stacey are two performers who studied together at Zentrum Zeitgenössischer Tanz at the HfMT in Cologne. They are new to developing their own pieces and this is the first research they are working on together. They came up with the idea for this project in November 2023. During the Sommerresidenz 2024 at tanzhaus nrw they gathered research, ideas, snippets of movement qualities and material.

Concept & Performance: Ander Ballarin & Emma Stacey; Eletric guitar: Tomás Andreas Müller Vargas.

Isabel Carvalho: No Bad Eye Against This Magic

No Bad Eye Against This Magic (re)imagines the body through a wild rebirth beyond social and gender norms. It is a psychomagical manifesto of body spells, a magic that rewrites stories and memories. 
This dance traverse temporalities, forces and desires for liberation. It sees the body as a mirror of revelations and conjures magical entities, activating worlds that seem impossible in the eyes of western hegemonic logic. No Bad Eye Against This Magic is an invitation, above all, to see through, to touch hands, to laugh, to mock, to share jokes, games and to rebel. Rebel and laugh our way out of colonial values.
The solo was developed by Isabel during her studies at the ZZT in Cologne, where she completed her Bachelor’s degree in Contemporary Dance last year. As part of Now & Next, the original seven-minute short version has been expanded and extended.

Isabel Carvalho, daughter of the sea goddess Yemanjá, was born in Brasilia and grew up in an Afro-Indigenous Brazilian religious community. She is part of the third generation of a family of ritual composers. In her artistic work, Isabel connects cosmological practices, queer dance approaches, critical thinking, and activism. She envisions the stage as an ancient legacy of future possibilities. Beyond her studies at the ZZT in Cologne, she also trained at DDSKS Copenhagen (Danish National School of Performing Arts) and Area Barcelona.

Concept, Choreography, Dance: Isabel Carvalho; Costume Design: Benze C. Werner; Mentorship: Luara Raio; Dramaturgy: Demetrios Navras.

This solo is a special homage to Cristóbal Jodorowsky. Special thanks to all friends and artists who have accompanied and supported this work.

Sonja Reischl: LIBERATIO

In the performance LIBERATIO, dancer and choreographer Sonja Reischl embarks on a search for her identity as a woman in hip hop culture - a scene that is still strongly male-dominated today. The piece focuses on the process of letting go and self-empowerment: It is about discovering and recognizing one's own strengths and unique qualities as a woman within this culture. Within the cyphers - a space of exchange and interaction, surrounded by diverse energies, views and attitudes - she encounters herself on a new level. In doing so, she explores how female expression takes shape in hip hop dance and what qualities of movement can be associated with it.

The piece was created as part of a research project funded by the “Neustart Kultur/Dis-Tanzen-Solo” funding program in 2023. It celebrated its premiere at the SoloDuo Festival NRW in 2024. Sonja is revising and expanding the existing piece for Now & Next. Sonja Reischl is a dancer and choreographer from Düsseldorf with a focus on hip hop and club styles. She has been teaching choreography and freestyle in various styles and age groups for many years and is a member of several dance companies. In the collective with FeminineX she received the Sprungbrett Tanzrecherche in 2021.

Concept/Performance: Sonja Reischl.