junges tanzhaus · junges tanzhaus

Alfredo Zinola Productions & tout petit

Small Stage
9 € for all
School performance
School performance

School performances:

Tickets can be requested via the inquiry button/reservation form. School performances are particularly suitable for schools, but also for daycare centers, kindergartens and other care, educational and leisure facilities. 4 € per child/teenager, accompanying persons have free admission. Additional bookings of a workshop in connection with the school performance are possible for additional 2 € per person.

Drei Personen nehmen verschiedene Posen nebeneinander ein. Alle tragen Kostüme aus einer Vielzahl von verschiedenen, bunten Materialien.
Drei Tänzer*innen stehen auf einem Haufen und strecken jeweils ein Bein nach oben. Sie tragen bunte Kostüme, wie einen blauen Rock und einen gelben Hut und ein rosa Tuch.

They jump. They dress up. They test their physical boundaries. And most of all – they meet each other. Between costumes and swinging materials, the three dancers start on a danced adventure. In a patchwork of fabrics, a colourful mess emerges, inviting one to dance, breathing life into vivid possibilities. Franje is a rousing dance production, inviting the young audience to discover dance and fabric together.

Franje is the result of an international collaboration between Alfredo Zinola Productions from Germany and tout petit from Belgium. Choreographers Alfredo Zinola, Ciska Vanhoyland, and Lies Cuyvers share their fascination for bringing their dance and scenography together, thereby creating dance for a young audience. They love being close to the audience and to create connection through interaction.

Duration: 40 min.

From age 3.

Choreography: Alfredo Zinola, Ciska Vanhoyland, Lies Cuyvers; dance: Alfredo Zinola/Jacopo Buccino, Ciska Vanhoyland, Lies Cuyvers; dramaturgy: Micaela Kühn Jara; music: Koen Brouwers; lighting design: Marek Lamprecht; production: tout petit, Alfredo Zinola Productions; co-production: tanzhaus nrw, Perpodium, HET LAB.
With the support of the Flemish Community, the Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, tanzhaus nrw Düsseldorf, the City of Hasselt, the City of Leuven and the Tax Shelter Measure of the Belgian Federal Government. With thanks to deRUIMTE and STUK House for Dance, Image & Sound.
With the support of take-off: Junger Tanz.

Reservation inquiry for school performances

  • Title
  • Artist
    Alfredo Zinola Productions & tout petit
e.g. duration / topic / pre- or post-performance practical workshop / interest in artist talk after the performance
* This is a mandatory field, all other details are optional and will shorten the inquiry process. Your data will only be required for the reservation request and will only be stored for as long as it is necessary for clarification. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time at: jungestanzhaus@tanzhaus-nrw.