Welcome format

TikTok Talks

FFT Düsseldorf
Eine junge Person ist von hinten zu sehen. Sie macht eine Aufnahme mit ihrem Smartphone.

Do you use TikTok? Whether you have the app open all the time, only look at it from time to time or haven't even installed it - our talks are the perfect opportunity to start the weekend together!
In a relaxed atmosphere, young people share their views on trends, talk about redflags and their personal perspectives on TikTok. Each talk is a bubble in itself that wants to be discovered - you decide what interests you and in which bubble you want to actively participate.

The young people and their topics of conversation are:

Julia Dittes: TikTok as a new marketing tool to reach young audiences

Mina Gamoori: What can you post on TikTok as a theater?

Fynn Gregorius: What do TikTok and theater have in common?

Anahit Grigorian: TikTok as a microcosm of our society

Malu Thiersch: TikTok in connection with dance


Duration: 60 Min.

Language: German

Accompanying programme
Fri 25.10. 19:00 Opening