Sarah Fdili Alaoui & John Sullivan
For Patricia is a tribute to the inventor of postmodernism in dance: Trisha Brown. Just as Trisha Brown explored new choreographic structures such as accumulation (sequencing), repetition, or reversal, so do Sarah Fdili Alaoui & John Sullivan conduct research into new, AI-generated choreographic compositional structures. Each performance sees the creation of a new piece in which dancers and musicians perform a new score, as guided by the AI. The piece is a quartet between two dancers, Sarah Fdili Alaoui and Bartosz Ostrowski, and two musicians, John Sullivan (piano and electronics) and Léo Chédin (drums and electronics).
Sarah Fdili Alaoui is a researcher, choreographer, and dancer. She is a reader at University of the Arts London in the fields of human-computer interaction, interaction design, dance, and technologies. John Sullivan is an interaction designer, researcher, and musician. He is currently a postgraduate at Paris Saclay University where his research is focused on multimodal interaction design and the development of new technologies for music, dance, and multimedia performance.
Duration: ca. 60 min.
Funded as part of the MODINA project by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
Choreography: Sarah Fdili Alaoui; Music: John Sullivan; Dance: Sarah Fdili-Alaoui and Pauline Lavergne; Music: John Sullivan and Léo Chédin; AI development: John Sullivan, Léo Chédin and Sarah Fdili Alaoui; Research: Corina Cimpoieru; Graphic Design: Diane-Line Farré; Visual Documentation: Mircea Topoleanu; Production and Technical Support: CNDB and MODINA Project; Technical Consulting and Development Support: MIREVI (; Source materials provided by the Trisha Brown Dance Company (