Sarah Fdili Alaoui & John Sullivan

For Patricia
Big stage
Zwei Personen tanzen mit dem Rücken zum Publikum auf einer weißen Bühne, auf der auch eine Person Schlagzeug und eine andere Person Keyboard spielen.
Zwei Personen stehen auf einer Tanzfläche, im Hintergrund werden geometrische Formen auf einer Leinwand projiziert.
Zwei Personen tanzen auf einer weißen Bühne, auf der auch eine Person Schlagzeug und eine andere Person Keyboard spielen.

For Patricia is a tribute to the inventor of postmodernism in dance: Trisha Brown. Just as Trisha Brown explored new choreographic structures such as accumulation (sequencing), repetition, or reversal, so do Sarah Fdili Alaoui & John Sullivan conduct research into new, AI-generated choreographic compositional structures. Each performance sees the creation of a new piece in which dancers and musicians perform a new score, as guided by the AI. The piece is a quartet between two dancers, Sarah Fdili Alaoui and Bartosz Ostrowski, and two musicians, John Sullivan (piano and electronics) and Léo Chédin (drums and electronics).

Sarah Fdili Alaoui is a researcher, choreographer, and dancer. She is a reader at University of the Arts London in the fields of human-computer interaction, interaction design, dance, and technologies. John Sullivan is an interaction designer, researcher, and musician. He is currently a postgraduate at Paris Saclay University where his research is focused on multimodal interaction design and the development of new technologies for music, dance, and multimedia performance.

Duration: ca. 60 min.

Funded as part of the MODINA project by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.

Choreography: Sarah Fdili Alaoui; Music: John Sullivan; Dance: Sarah Fdili-Alaoui and Pauline Lavergne; Music: John Sullivan and Léo Chédin; AI development: John Sullivan, Léo Chédin and Sarah Fdili Alaoui; Research: Corina Cimpoieru; Graphic Design: Diane-Line Farré; Visual Documentation: Mircea Topoleanu; Production and Technical Support: CNDB and MODINA Project; Technical Consulting and Development Support: MIREVI (; Source materials provided by the Trisha Brown Dance Company (

Perfomer steht auf dunkler Bühne im Hintergrund lila Licht, das die Umrisse des Performers erkennen lässt

MODINA Showcase

Dancing in the Digital Age: Navigating Intersections of Dance, Digital Innovation, and Audience Engagement