

Marie-Lena Kaiser
Big stage
20.10.2023 – 21.10.2023
Eine Gruppe von Personen schaut gemeinsam nach oben.
Im Vordergrund befinden sich drei Personen, deren Rückansicht zum*zur Betrachter*in zeigt. Eine der Personen zeigt mit dem Finger auf eine Person im Hintergrund.

Closeness does not only denote little spatial distance, but also a feeling of intimacy between one another: “We are NEAR (NAH in German)”. NAH starts a search for the form that this mutual intimacy between dancers and audience may take, and how it comes about. Contemporary dance, especially, is often surrounded by secrecy: Why do the dancers move in this or that way? Is that even still dance? Does dance need to look pretty?


In NAH, the dancers continually approach the audience members scattered about the stage, sharing their movement motifs, choreographic processes and the emotions connected to this. Does this knowledge engender intimacy? The audience will also be enabled to keep changing the perspective in space. And the space, too, moves along and is part of the choreographic landscape that permanently transforms. This is about the attempt to shift the boundaries between audience and dancers while never completely dissolving them.

With NAH, Essen-based choreographer Marie-Lena Kaiser resumes her on-stage artistic exploration around questions of hierarchy and structures while the production of transparency regarding allegedly impervious processes becomes an artistic method.

Do we need boundaries to reach intimacy between each other? NAH does not strive to find answers but aims for a critical assessment of the terms authenticity and participation, therein suggesting that there is more than one correct approach to dance.

Duration: 70 min.

On request, it is possible to attend the dress rehearsal on Thursday, 19.10. at 8 pm.
Please register for this in advance at

Accompanying programme

Sat 21.10. 19:00

Sat 21.10. 20:00

Sat 21.10.

Tactile guide

With audio description for blind and visually impaired persons

Talk after the performance

Registration for the tactile guide and audio description via


(Tactile Tour · 19:00)
The tactile tour for blind and visually impaired people takes place one hour before the performance begins.

Choreography: Marie-Lena Kaiser; Dance: Kati Masami Menze, Jordan Gigout, Eslam Elnebishy, Johannes Schropp, Bianca Sere Pulungan; Music: Johannes Schropp; Dramaturgy, Audio description: Alex Piasente-Szymański; Lighting: Laura Salerno; Stage: Eva Budniewski; Costume: Frederike Marsha Coors; Production management: Elena Martin Casai, Consulting producer: Martin Rascher.
A co-production with tanzhaus nrw. Supported by the Landesbüro freie Darstellende Künste with funds from Ministeriums für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, City of Essen, Kulturstiftung Essen. Cooperation partners: Maschinenhaus Essen, PACT Zollverein, performing:group.