
Course with Nini

House dance emerged in the early 80s in the underground clubs of Chicago and New York and was influenced by a variety of dance styles. Above all, it is a social dance that thrives on freedom, improvisation and the groove.

These are exactly the main components that will be taught to the participants in the course. First of all, the basics and foundation are taught and then supplemented by floorwork and creative concepts to form and consolidate one's freestyle and own dance style. In addition, the fun of the dance and the love of the music come first.



Nini has been active in the urban dance scene for about 10 years and has found her passion in house dance. She organises the "House Session" at tanzhaus nrw to offer dancers and dance enthusiasts in the Düsseldorf and NRW area a place to exchange ideas and get together. Nini has already taken part in various national and international battles and is also regularly invited as a jury member.
She choreographed and performed the piece "No Strings Attached" for the Düsseldorf Night of Museums 2022 and participated in the piece "Touched | Berührt" at the Cologne Künstler*innen Theater (2023). In her course, she wants to introduce the foundation of house dance as well as shape and consolidate the participants' own dance style.


  • Course number
  • Type
  • Title
  • Instructor
  • Start date
    Wed 20:30 – 22:00
  • Fee
    288,00€ / 240,00€ discount