MIREVI Installationen

Free entry
18:00 – 22:00
Free entry
16:00 – 20:00
Free entry
Zwei virtuelle Avatare interagieren miteinander. Sie befinden sich auf einer Bühne. Im Hintergrund ist eine Tribüne zu sehen.
Zwei Personen stehen vor einer Wand, auf die zwei Avatare in Form von runden Figuren in blau und orange projiziert sind. Die Person auf der linken Seite bewegt ihre Arme. Durch die Körperbewegungen werden die Bewegungen des blau dargestellte Avatars beeinflusst.

During the MODINA Showcase: Dancing in the Digital Age: Navigating Intersections of Dance, Digital Innovation, and Audience Engagement, the two installations Oneironautica II and Proxemics: May I embrace? by MIREVI (https://mirevi.de/) will be shown as part of the MODINA seminar.

Sat 12.10. 18:00 – 19:00 Deep Dive – Q&A on MIREVI installations

An interactive session with the creators of Oneironautica II and Proxemics, where they discuss their creative vision, technological integration, and behind-the-scenes insights. The technologies that will be discussed in greater detail in the context of these works include 3D scanning and motion capturing. The audience will also be able to engage in discussion on the conceptual aspects of the pieces and share feedback about their experience. 

Laurenz Ulrich x MIREVI x Charlotte Triebus: Oneironautica II

The immersive VR installation takes visitors on a digital trip into mysteriously dissolving spaces, modelled on the auditorium of the Theater an der Ruhr. Like in a lucid dream, one moves through a point cloud of the building, encounters ghostly figures on the stage, hears voices from past performances and becomes aware of the fleeting nature of sensory experiences. The dance piece developed for the work deals with logic and control, with distorted and distorting lucid dreams and toxic-transformative dependencies. The background narration features excerpts from the play "Vom Licht" by Anselm Neft.

Idea & Conception: Laurenz Ulrich x MIREVI; 3D-Development: Laurenz Ulrich x MIREVI; Sound Design: Laurenz Ulrich; Choreography: Charlotte Triebus; Dance: Gustavo Gomez, Charlotte Triebus; Voices: Dagmar Geppert, Steffen Reuber.

MIREVI: Proxemics: May I embrace?

The installation "Proxemics: May I Embrace?" invites visitors to interact, approach, and even touch one another, regardless of whether they are initially strangers. Each participant controls an avatar on a large screen through their own body movements, allowing them to connect with other avatars. As the avatars draw closer, new sounds, visual effects, and structures are generated, symbolizing the emerging sense of closeness, connection, and mutual attentiveness.

Idea & Conception: Chris Geiger; 3D-Development: Patrick Nass; Sound Design: Jeff Birkhoff; Consulting: Mitja Säger, Ivana Družetić-Vogel; Design Support / Video Doc: Jenny Schuler, Leon Lösch.

A production of the Theater an der Ruhr as part of the research project "Theater of Extended Realities". Project partners: MIREVI (HS Duesseldorf) and Academy for Theater and Digitality.
Sponsor: Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia as part of NEUE WEGE in cooperation with the NRW KULTURsekretariat.

Perfomer steht auf dunkler Bühne im Hintergrund lila Licht, das die Umrisse des Performers erkennen lässt

MODINA Showcase

Dancing in the Digital Age: Navigating Intersections of Dance, Digital Innovation, and Audience Engagement