German Premiere

Some Choreographies

Jacopo Jenna
Small Stage
06.10.2022 – 07.10.2022
Eine Person streckt ihre/seine Arme gerade nach vorne, die Hände flach aneinandergelegt. Im Hintergrund ist das Gesicht eines Affen zu sehen
Eine Person liegt flach auf dem Boden, ein Bein halb angewinkelt. Im Hintergrund ist ein Pelikan mit geschlossenem Schnabel zu sehen.
Im Vordergrund ist eine Frau frontal zu sehen, die Fingerspitzen berühren sich, die Hände rechtwinklig angewinkelt sodass sie ein Quadrat ergeben.
Im Vordergrund eine Person, weiß gekleidet, die einen Arm schräg über die Brust legt und leicht schräg steht. Im Hintergrund direkt hinter der Person eine Ballerina in der gleichen Pose, links davon ein Mann der beide Arme leicht anhebt.

Some Choreographies is a dialogue between dancer Ramona Caia and projected videos of different dance styles and movement sequences. The choreography unfolds as a mimetic process. Ramona Caia’s movements encounter a multitude of traced fragments from the history of dance and the performance as narrated by cinema and the internet. The piece is a sensitive kinetic reflection by means of the extensive collection of recorded movements gathered by choreographer and filmmaker Jacopo Jenna. The film material ranges from historical to contemporary dance, from entertainment formats to cultural, spiritual ritual, from sports to home videos. Ramona Caia newly embodies, transforms, and connects the bodies depicted in these videos, picks up their dynamics, and mirrors their freedom and linguistic immediacy.

The second part will present an original video by artist Roberto Fassone, showing a succession of visual choreographies, a symbolic landscape devoid of human traces. Searching for a relation to the body on stage, it suggests a reflection on the immaterial matter that makes up dance.

Duration: 40 min.

Accompanying Programme
Do 06.10. afterwards Talk
Fr 07.10. 19:00 Physical Introduction


Concept, direction, video choreography: Jacopo Jenna; dance collaboration: Ramona Caia; video collaboration: Francesco Casciaro, Roberto Fassone; lighting design: Mattia Bagnoli; costume design: Eva di Franco; organisation: Luisa Zuffo.
A production by KLM-Kinkaleri. A co-production of Centrale Fies with the support of Azienda Speciale Palaexpo-Mattatoio, Project PrendersiCura, in the framework of Aerowaves Network 2022. In cooperation with the Istituto Italiano di Cultura di Colonia in partnership with the Ministero della Cultura - Direzione Generale Spettacolo and tanzhaus nrw.