Showings and panel debate

Cheers for Fears Festival
Big and small stage, foyer
18.03.2022 – 19.03.2022
Vier Personen tanzen draußen miteinander
Vier Personen tanzen in einem Studio des tanzhaus nrw
Vier Personen schauen sich Installationen im Foyer des tanzhaus nrw an.

The Cheers for Fears initiative offers up-and-coming North Rhine-Westphalian artists a forum for presentation, review, and artistic exchange with regular workshops, discussion panels, and the annual Cheer for Fears festival, held since 2014. After organising a workshop camp in October 2020 together, this year’s Cheers for Fears festival will again take place at tanzhaus nrw from March 16th until March 20th, presenting the audience with a multidisciplinary programme by arts students from all genres over the course of two days. The festival sees itself as a work meeting, wherein students and teachers, young artists and their audiences mingle. Installation, film, scenic, and music formats provide insight into the young art scene’s diversity, setting artistic works and studies in relation to current discourse. Apart from programming on all stages, there will be a panel discussion on March 18th, in which the structural needs of tomorrow’s artistic education will be discussed.

Find the programme HERE.

Programme 18.03.

Panel debate 17:00

„Together for the Theater of Tomorrow - Education in the Performing Arts of NRW“

with Stefan Hilterhaus (PACT Zollverein), Dr. Hildegard Kaluza (Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft), Dr. Philipp Schulte (Hessische Theaterakademie), Prof. Lisa Nielebock (Folkwang Universität der Künste)

Foyer, Free entry. Registration via

Showings from 19:00


Dance & video installation
Big Stage, Dauer: 20 Min.


Dance performance
Small Stage, Duration: 10 min.

By and with: Viola Cantù, Emmi Osenberg, Helena Spieker Castillo, Fenna Thelosen (Dance, Folkwang Universität der Künste)  Starting from the anthropological concept of entrainment, the piece investigates the diverse dynamics of relation among the four performers. What can bring together different bodies in an empty space with no references? Maybe the role of a common but meaningful object can change everything.
CHRONOS Dance performance
Small Stage, Duration: 5 min.
By and with: Lars Christian Schmidt, Ahmet Akyürek, Evke Dirks, Viktor Gelling, Jonathan Ungemach, Jan Sour, Luca Tanzer, Lin Verleger, Dennis Wilhem (Contemporary Dance & Jazz-Bass, Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Cologne / Fine Arts, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf / Design, Hochschule Düsseldorf) Chronos is the fever dream of a young aristocrat who is trapped in an ivory tower when everything around him collapses and nothing seems to matter anymore.

Physical Theatre
Small Stage, Duration: 15 min.

By and with: Undine Seidenschnur & Carla Wyrsch, Meret König (Physical Theatre, Folkwang Universität der Künste) Yellow is positivity. Yellow is good mood. Yellow is self-actualization. In the morning I get up and I say „Yes, it‘s gonna be a good day“. But what happens when a paradisiacal yellow world becomes increasingly toxic? We dance in a square, we dance concentrated. 4 square meters of yellow foil/ Hyper Hyper“

Dance short film
Small Stage, Duration: 6 min.

By and with: Andrea Kößler, Ragnar Müller & Magdalena Schmitt (Dance, Deutsche Sporthochschule Cologne) The shortfilm in|between reflects on the feeling of not knowing how to take first steps. How do we know if something already has started or has come to an end? Are we always living in an endless loop in between?

Physical Theatre
Small Stage, Duration: 15 min. 

By and with: Gaia Pelligrini (Physical Theatre, Folkwang Universität der Künste), with music by Victoria Stellpflug A poisoned stability is of something that is there, subsists, resists but inside is rotten, forgotten, abandoned. On August the 14th 2018 a bridge in Genova collapsed. It calls the death of 43 people. 566 were saved. In the silence of this rainy day, alone, swinging in the void there is Gianluca trapped in a metal bubble.
LOVE&LABOUR Music performance
Small Stage, Duration: 35 min.
By and with: Peter Haas (Media arts, Kunsthochschule für Medien) Just before midnight, in the damp front yard, in the wind and rain, I set up my keyboard under your window and begin to sing my love to you. Wild dreams full of longing, all embarrassed, totally ashamed with a pale face. Do you remember, this love? The troubles of the plain?
LA CRUSH Concert
Big Stage, Duration: 60 min.
By and with: (Jazz Piano, Folkwang Universität der Künste) Two pianists, lots of synthesizers, pulsating basses. The project is about how humans can perform danceable live music in harmony with machines. Having the possibility to change and recompose a piece in the moment at any time is a special possibility that most DJs don‘t have - we try to use that to our advantage to be able to completely respond to the respective moment.


Programme 19.03.

Showings from 19:00

Big Stage, Duration: 30 min.
By and with: Otto Calmeijer Meijburg & Hannah Sampé, Marius Lambertz, Johanna von Schönfeld, Jonas Sampé, Marieke Werner (Contemporary Dance, Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Cologne / Szenische Forschung, Ruhr Universität Bochum) Who owns the stage? Why do so many of us dream of being famous? Why is it sometimes so difficult to show ourselves and how do we wish others would see us? What actually happens after the show when the lights go out? Why do we constantly perform for others and when do we actually take a break?
AT“[H](O)“ME Phsyical Theatre
Small Stage, Duration: 14 min. 
By and with: Elisa Berrod, Roberto Beseler Maxwell (Physical Theatre, Folkwang Universität der Künste) We create this world where we can hold on, let go, slip away, flee, defend, feel good, barricade, refuel, hurt and become impermeable.


Dance solo
Small Stage, Duration: 5 min.
By and with: Josefine Simonsen, Pablo Giw (Contemporary Dance, Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Cologne) The first notes. A memory emerges. I am in the car with my parents somewhere between Saxony & Meck-Pomm. I don‘t know where this memory comes from, how it developed or if it‘s actually narration. Kling Klang, you and me.
SHÕ Dance solo
Small Stage, Duration: 5 min.
By and with: Nene Okada (Dance Composition, Folkwang Universität der Künste) The small show: Shõ
The sparkler lives, illuminates and vanishes in this brief moment. Last summer, I came back to my hometown after a long time. I came into contact with traditional Japanese small fireworks, Senko-Hanabi. How can I express the impression with dance?
EMPATHY FGBX Dance & electronic composition
Big Stage, Duration: 15 min.
By and with: Darya Myasnikov, Javier Vázquez Rodríguez (Electronic Composition & Contemporary Dance, Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Cologne) From darkness, from uncertainty. A motivation, a motto, a movement that arises and develops. Concepts which are mirrored into movement and sound; movement which is translated into energy which, in turn translates into sound. All this... Is this absolute empathy, maybe no empathy or, if not... What is all of this?
B AS BINARY Lecture Performance
Small Stage, Duration: 30 min.
By and with: Yasmin Fahbod & Arya Yekta (Szenische Forschung, Ruhr Universität Bochum) As an immigrant asylum seeker who has the lived experience of a nonbinary intersex person, I believe addressing issues that no one is aware of is important. When no one knows there is a problem, no one will care for a solution.

Dance short film
Small Stage, Duration: 7 min.

By and with: Yachin Huang, Tzu-chun Liou, Tzu-yin Liou, Karl-F. Degenhardt (Dance / Jazz, Folkwang Universität der Künste) Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, we cannot dance indoors for the time being. So I used to dance outside to techno music.... Essen, Germany, where I am currently based, was once a big industrial city and has left some world cultural heritage. Among them, Zeche Zollverein is my favorite place.
Music performance
Big Stage, Duration: 30 min.
By and with: Britta Tekotte, Roman Jungblut, Constantin Leonhard, Sarah Santos A self-built and -designed sound suit. Britta Tekotte turns a switch on her forearm and suddenly a different voice effect emerges. She taps her body and her voice loops. She twists, touches a touchpad with the tip of her nose and a sound effect fades in. A pop improvisation in which the artist get‘s out of control in control.
Small Stage, Duration: 45 min.
By and with: David Martínez Morente (Szenische Forschung, Ruhr-Universität Bochum) Theater stages and world literature are full of toxic masculinity. A young actor in search of artistic confrontation - between outdated gender roles, feminist positioning and allyship.

The Cheers for Fears Festival 2022 is a co-production by Cheers for Fears and the tanzhaus nrw. Funded by das Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen, die Kunststiftung NRW and das Kulturamt Düsseldorf.