Geh nicht in den Wald, im Wald ist der Wald

Choreographer Tabea Martin’s newest work Geh nicht in den Wald, im Wald ist der Wald tackles discrimination and examines the power of prejudice, but also that of a fear that may be sparked by the unknown.
When do we speak of discrimination, and how can we fight it? Which mechanisms foster it? Tabea Martin, together with four performers, examines the phenomenon of exclusion by means of dance and language. How and why do we exclude others, and how can this be expressed through the body? How do we move within and without the presumed norm?
Tabea Martin studied at the Amsterdam University of the Arts and at the Rotterdamse Dansacademie. Apart from her own artistic work for children and adults, she works as a choreographer for theatre and opera productions, collaborating with directors such as Sebastian Nübling, Stephan Märki and Elina Finkel as well as with author Sibylle Berg. Tabea Martin received the Dance Division Award of the Canton of Basel-Landschaft in 2016. Until 2018, she was a Young Associated Artist within the mentoring program of the Pro Helvetia Arts Foundation.
Duration: approx. 60 min.
Choreography: Tabea Martin; Dance: Calvin Ngan, Georges Hann; Léa Vinette, Stanley Ollivier; Music: Donath Weyeneth; Costumes: Yasmin Attar; Stage: Veronika Mutalova; Stage and costumes assistance : Myriam Müller; Dramaturgy: Irina Müller, Moos van den Broek; Choreographic assistance: Dominique Cardito; Outside Eye: Sebastian Nübling; Project management: Franziska Ruoss.
A production by Tabea Martin, coproduced by Kaserne Basel, Jungspundfestival St. Gallen. The coproduction is part of Fonds Junges Publikum von Reso – Tanznetzwerk Schweiz. Supported by Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung. Funded by Take-off: Junger Tanz. Take-off: Junger Tanz is funded by Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf and Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW.