Strategies of Solidarity: What I've figured out so far. BIPoCs Connecting

Choreographer Zwoisy Mears-Clarke, having presented Geneigter at tanzhaus nrw this August, does not only develop dance pieces, he also share social strategies learned within the professional dance sector via his own blog. The online talks BIPoCs Connecting are a continuation of this practice of solidarity by Zwoisy Mears-Clarke. Four BIPoC (black, indigenous, People of Colour) dance artists from Germany have been invited to attend an online talk with another BIPoC dance artist of their own choosing. Two artists from different dance disciplines per episode will share their burning questions as well as body concepts and how those are implemented and come together into their own respective artistic works, over the course of five episodes overall. Transformed by video artist Mona Okulla Obua into an inclusive aesthetic, a series of conversations on the motivations and inspirations of different BIPoC dance practitioners has been assembled – binge watching welcomed!
Zwoisy Mears-Clarke currently lives in Rösrath and perceives himself to be a choreographer of the encounter. Zwoisy Mears-Clarke utilises the potential inherent in dance to uncloak forms of suppression such as neo-colonialism, sexism, and ableism, and to enable encounters that would be impossible under different circumstances.
Videos free of charge via tanzhaus-Vimeo starting on 14.11., to access click HERE.
Episode 1 | Zwoisy Mears-Clarke and Esther Manon Siddiquie |
Episode 2 | Marie-Zoe Buchholz (The Art of Zoe) and Sophie-Yukiko Hasters |
Episode 3 | |
Episode 4 | |
Episode 5 |
in German and English spoken language
with German and English subtitles
with German sign language
with German audio description
Concept, execution, audio description: Zwoisy Mears-Clarke; Video: Mona Okulla Obua; Transcript: Sasha Amaya, Yvonne Sembene; Interpreters German sign language: Sarah Prieto Peña; German translation: Utku Mogultay; German and English subtitles: TINT Filmkollektiv; Production: Esther Schneider; Production: Yvonne Sembene
A project by Zwoisy Mears-Clarke in cooperation with tanzhaus nrw. Funded by Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien.