Frischluft – Zoom out
tanzhaus nrw offers a broad range of dance educational learning formats: Children, youths and young adults receive knowledge in different dance styles, aesthetics and methods in more than 360 courses and workshops as well as at 12 partnering schools. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the course participants’ results cannot be shown during the participants’ festivals on the big stage. Therefore, several dance instructors set out to develop new presentation formats for public and digital spaces with “Frischluft – Zoom mal out”. The intervention “Choreografie auf 1,5 Metern” (1,5 m Choreography) is part of this programme. In it, classes from the Take-Off: Junger Tanz partnering schools as well as academy courses present a choreography within a delineation of 1,5 metres per pupil or course participant, within public space. Further groups create a movement parkours for pedestrians by leaving choreographic instructions at the Diakonie Düsseldorf (Platz der Diakonie 1) and invite the public to dance. The project moves into public space without seeking out any grand audience – it rather strives for random encounters that lead to watching and participation.
Fri 18.06. – Wed 23.06.
Supported by NATIONALE PERFORMANCE NETZ – STEPPING OUT, funded by der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen der Initiative NEUSTART KULTUR. Hilfsprogramm Tanz.