Young Tanzhaus · Düsseldorf schools dance

CANCELLED: Take-off: Show-off

Big stage
16.06.2020 – 18.06.2020

A fully scheduled school year, full of looking, dancing, discovery and the creation of new things, lies behind the pupils. Having been forced to employ the brakes due to COVID-19 since March, tanzhaus nrw will nevertheless open the stage for the partnering school forms participating in Take Off: Junger Tanz. Under the guidance provided by numerous dedicated dance pedagogues, they create short pieces, rehearsal impressions and astounding choreographies, while more than 400 pupils take part.

By and with pupils of Theodor­-Andresen-­Schule, LVR-­Gerricus-­Schule, LVR-­Gerricus-­Kita, LVR­-Schule am Volksgarten, Realschule Friedrichsstadt, Katholische Hauptschule Itterstraße, Katholische Hauptschule Sankt Benedikt, Hauptschule Bernburger Straße, Heinrich-­Heine-­Gesamtschule, Goethe Gymnasium, Montessori Grundschule am Farnweg, Gymnasium Schmiedestraße, Grund­ und Hauptschule Rather Kreuzweg, Grundschule Flurstraße, Grundschule Wrangestraße, Sankt Ursula Berufskolleg; Dance pedagogues: Bouni, Tanja Emmerich, Misael Lopez, Ivana Kisic, Carlo Melis, Nora Pfahl, Salvatore Romano, Sabine Seume, Andreas Simon, Irena Vujicic, Annika Wolf. An event by Take-­off: Junger Tanz, funded by Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf and Ministeriums für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW.