A hero figure is often male and brawny, mostly rescuing fainting damsels in distress. The villain is usually unattractive, betraying an accent while speaking, and the evil woman displays her wasp waist, employing her seductive powers. But who are these super heroes? And in what manner do the media, delivering these fantasy characters into our living rooms, influence our gaze? North Rhine-Westphalian choreographer Leandro Kees searches for the forgotten heroes and the everyday heroes in his new play. He searches for the validity attached to appearances in this duo for two dancers, thereby creating an honest and humorous dialogue about stereotypes, gender roles and acceptance, in private and socially – without pointing the proverbial moral finger. So, new icons, identities and ideals emerge.
performing:group is a Cologne dance and theatre six-piece, founded in 2013 by Leandro Kees, Julia Mota Carvalho, Daniel Mathéus and Martin Rascher. They have been touring internationally since then, mainly with the productions of “TRASHedy“ and “Chalk About“ that also guested at tanzhaus nrw. Additionally, they also direct at municipal theatres in various constellations.
Duration: 50 min.
Thu 29.11. | 17:00 physical introduction |
Concept, Direction: Leandro Kees; Choreography: Constantin Hochkeppel, Leandro Kees, Bianca Sere Pulungan; Performance: Constantin Hochkeppel, Bianca Sere Pulungan; Dramaturgy: Laura Cadio, Music, Sound Collages: Martin Rascher; Graphic Design: Roberta Medina; Dramaturgical Cooperation: Julia Mota Carvalho. A production by performing:group, coproduced by tanzhaus nrw in the framework of Take-off: Junger Tanz and TanzFaktur Köln. Take-off: Junger Tanz is funded by the Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf and the Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW. Furthermore funded by the Kulturamt der Stadt Köln, Referat für Tanz und Theater, the Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW and NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste.