Lecture Performance

Notion: Dance Fiction

Choy Ka Fai
Big Stage
Drei Performer vor schwarzem Hintergrund in verschiedenen Posen.

“Notion: Dance Fiction” was one of the first investigations into dance history undertaken by multimedia artist Choy Ka Fai, aided by motion sensors, real time projections and avatars. Now an expert in the field, he resumes his 2015 work and casts an eye on his subsequent works such as “Ember Jello”, “Dance Clinic” and “UnBearable Darkness”. In this, the work concentrates on muscular or common body knowledge, which Choy Ka Fai uses as a medium to save, reproduce or depict movement in mappings. On the basis of short sequences plucked from 20th century dance history, he tries out new ways of recording, of reproduction and re-sorting of movement. Choy Ka Fai, living in both Singapore and Berlin, has been a tanzhaus nrw Factory Artist since 2017, focussing on topics like “body and technology”.

Duration: 45 min. in English