junges tanzhaus · Series Little Monsters / Premiere


tanzfuchs PRODUKTION / Barbara Fuchs
Studio 6
27.09.2018 – 30.09.2018
Eine Frau begraben unter einem Haufen Papier.

It sizzles and rustles, you can fold it, scrunch it up and tear it, it is flexible, malleable, and it can also cut you. It exists in many different colours, sizes and thicknesses. Most of the time, people write or print on it, like to draw on it or do some handicraft work: Paper. In this dance concert for curious onlookers, big and small, Cologne choreographer Barbara Fuchs, dares to venture deep into the paper jungle – together with dancer Sonia Mota and composer Jörg Ritzenhoff. With paper, they render change, outside influences and temporary processes visible: Paper remembers every fold, every tear and cut. And, just as traces and outside influences inscribe in paper, moments and experiences inscribe themselves on our bodies – by means of scars, dents, wrinkles. There is hardly a better person than dancer Sonia Mota, who turns 70 this year, to personify this remembering physical body. She is an archivist of movement and dance. Together with the musician Jörg Ritzenhoff, she tells the story of her experiences and tales.

“PAPIERSTÜCK” is embedded in the project cycle “DER SOZIALE KÖRPER” in which Barbara Fuchs, who regularly presents her work at tanzhaus nrw, focuses on the human body, mainly in its social function: As an ubiquitous body which also shapes social connections and networks of relations.

Duration: 40 min.

Accompanying Programme
Sat 29.09. 14:00 physical introduction

Artistic Direction: Barbara Fuchs; Dance: Sonia Mota; Music: Jörg Ritzenhoff; Stage: Odile Foehl; Light: Wolfgang Pütz; Dramaturgy: Henrike Kollmar; Assistant: Emily Welther; PR: Kerstin Rosemann. www.tanzfuchs.com »PAPIERSTÜCK« is a production by tanzfuchs PRODUKTION, coproduced by tanzhaus nrw in the framework of Take-off: Junger Tanz, funded by the Kulturamt der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf and the Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW. Furthermore funded by the Kulturamt der Stadt Köln, NRW Landesbüro Freie Darstellende Künste, Fonds Darstellende Künste, Kunststiftung NRW and the Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes NRW. tanzfuchs PRODUKTION is funded by the RheinEnergie Stiftung Kultur.