
José M. Sánchez Moreno
José Manuel Sanchez Moreno comes from Málaga/ Andalusia and encountered flamenco there when still a child, going on to learn from genre greats, among them Enrique Burgos, Pepito Vargas and Manolete. He has been teaching at tanzhaus nrw for more than twenty years: José Manuel is not only an expressive dancer, but also a valued, patient and motivating teacher capable of conveying flamenco in all its facets. Also, flamenco’s history will be included, adding to his eclectic classes. “It is important to me to teach flamenco authentically, including background knowledge – but without neglecting the fun.” José Manuel is a dancer who impresses with his innovative freshness and honest dancing style. He toured internationally as a dancer, guesting in many countries including Japan, while also participating in TV performances. Apart from his teaching assignments throughout all of Europe, he travels innovative artistic ground with his Compañia José Manuel while also working as a guest choreographer and dancer at the Deutsche Oper am Rhein in the opera “Carmen”.