Moving in Resonance

Workshop with Irina Hortin

Classroom courses will only take place live with participants at the tanzhaus. Should it no longer be possible to continue the face-to-face classes due to pandemic restrictions, the remaining dates would be canceled.

Respectful treatment of ourselves is the basis of our empathy with others. Listening to ourselves and to each other, paying attention, and getting to know each other better can be trained playfully in our own bodies and in movement - this workshop invites you to do so! 

The structural elements of our multi-faceted spine with its many joints, muscles and elastic fascial tissue interact to shape the movement of our entire body through space. Using basic structural principles of the spine, we will explore our individual uniqueness and finally bring them into a relationship with each other using simple elements from contact improvisation. Theory and practice go hand in hand in this workshop; we will alternate between anatomical visuals and practical exploration and be inspired by both. In (partner) improvisations and simple choreographed movement sequences, we will play with the theoretical information in dance. Axis Syllabus* serves as a reference system on this research journey. 

* Axis Syllabus (author: Frey Faust, is a movement lexicon based on a holistic understanding of human movement. An Axis Syllabus class provides a venue for playful experience and personal inquiry in a collaborative learning environment. It is about light and intense sense of movement (not only) in dance and about respectful interaction both with ourselves and with each other. And - of course - about the joy of dancing! 

Irina Hortin

Irina Hortin

Irina Hortin first studied linguistics and literature in Germany, France and Argentina before going on to study contemporary dance in Cologne and Munich. She performs internationally, regularly choreographs for Schalktheater in Zurich, heads youth dance theatre projects and teaches contemporary dance, contact improvisation as well as tango at international festivals. The encounter with Frey Faust, an important figure within French contemporary dance and editor of movement dictionary Axis Syllabus, was of special importance for Irina’s vocational biography, and Irina, as a certified Axis Syllabus (AS) teacher, references the dictionary. The interdisciplinary AS research network surveys the functions of the human body in motion. In the process, information from biomechanics, anatomy, physics and medicine come into use to analyse our motion apparatus and to have it start to move in a functional and caring way. The focus always lies on a respectful contact with oneself and others – and, of course, on the fun in dancing!