Du désir d’horizons

How do we cope with change and difficult situations? How do we face problems without losing ourselves? “Du désir d’horizons” (“Horizon Desire”) is neither a performance on refugees nor a documentary staging on the work Burkina Faso-born choreographer Salia Sanou did in refugee camps. It is rather the attempt to bring about an understanding for the endangered situation of these people by way of choreographic language: Moments of solitude and alienation, of individuality and collectivism, of uprooting, ostracism and moments of making boundaries palpable. The dimension of interior exile, in which, nevertheless, a spark of power, struggle and desire exists, becomes visible in this staging for eight dancers.
When Salia Sanou and his team received the commission to work with refugees and to work against violence with dance, he did not initially want to develop a stage play. Yet the reality he was confronted with in the camps, on the fringes of possibility, marked by emotions of loss, grief and boredom, gripped him and did not let go. It soon became clear that music and dance would be helpful on the way back to a society full of generosity, attention and humanity. Thus, dance found its place, one step at a time, within the camp, and “Du désir d’horizons” emerged as a performance between despair and the longing for a new horizon.
Salia Sanou is among the most preeminent people in Africa’s contemporary dance scene. He directed the 2016 Rencontres chorégraphiques de l’Afrique et de l’Océan Indien and is currently co-director as well as co-founder of the CDC – La Termitière in Ouagadougou, one of Africa’s first choreographic development centres.
Duration: 65 min.
Fri 09.03. |
13:00 – 16:00 Workshop »Dance with Refugees« with Salia Sanou for pedagogues. In English, free entry. For information/registration contact Rut Profe-Bracht via rprofe-bracht@tanzhaus-nrw.de |
Sat 10.03. | discussion afterwards |
Please note: Fri 10:00 – 12:00 Film screening »Don’t Look at the Finger« by Hetain Patel
Choreography: Salia Sanou; Dance: Valentine Carette, Ousséin Dabaré, Catherine Denecy, Jérôme Kaboré, Mickael Nana, Elithia Rabenjamina, Marius Sawadogo, Asha Imani Thomas; Texts: Nancy Huston, excerpts from »Limbes, Limbo / Un hommage à Samuel Beckett«, Éditions Actes Sud 2000; Stage: Mathieu Lorry Dupuy; Light design: Marie-Christine Soma; Composition: Amine Bouhafa; Technical direction: Rémy Combret; Light: Diane Guérin; Administration: Stéphane Maisonneuve, in cooperation with Mahamoudou Nacanabo (Ouagadougou). www.saliasanou.net
A production by Compagnie Mouvements perpétuels, coproduced by the Théâtre national de Chaillot, African Artists for Development, Bonlieu – Scène nationale d’Annecy and la Bâtie Festival de Genève in the framework of the programme Interreg France/Suisse 2014 – 2020, Tilder, La Filature – Scène nationale de Mulhouse, Viadanse Centre choréografique nationale de Franche-Comté in Belfort and Centre de développement chorégraphique de Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées. Funded by Le Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication – DRAC Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées, the Region Languedoc-Roussillon-Midi-Pyrénées, ADAMI in cooperation with CDC La Termitière (Ougadougou). With kind support from the Institut Français and the French Ministerium für Kultur/DGCA.