Contemporary Dance

Course with Emma Valtonen

This course concentrates on floorwork, off-balance exercises and the combinations thereof. The participants will learn to skilfully use their own weight in the moment when they allow themselves to fall. Supported by breathing techniques, an individual energy flow will be created that enables the participants to discover their own capabilities and to enter into an organic flow. Emma’s classes usually start with a short warm-up, followed by muscle-building exercises, pliés, balancing exercises, yoga stretching and technique-based floorwork. Emma’s teaching approach is very people-oriented and open: “I want everyone to feel fine in my classes, not worrying about whether he or she might be ‘good enough’. In this way, participants excel and conquer their insecurities. That always makes me very proud.”

Emma Valtonen

Emma Valtonen

Emma Valtonen studied dance and dance education in Finland and Portugal. After many months of performing her graduation work in Finland, she now works as a teacher and choreographer in Finland, Italy and China, among other places. She loves travelling and has trained internationally in various dance styles - always curious and connected with the desire to explore new, unusual paths and movement languages. Various dance styles from urban dance, modern and jazz dance as well as different bodywork techniques shape Emma's style. Her way of teaching is very approachable and open, and her participants are enthusiastic about her “creative, focused, loving and humorous way of teaching”. Emma herself says of her classes: “I want my students to be challenged without pressure or competition.”