Seal of Quality in Continuing Education

The tanzhaus akademie carries offerings on different topics in the context of the Continuing Education Act of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, which are solely defined in § 11.2 of the WbG. All offerings comply with defined methods and pursue learning objectives as described below.

Employment and Vocation-Related Education

Employment and vocation-related education, courses, workshops, projects, and year-long further training all serve the intense continuing education of dancers, dance educators, sport and movement educators, participants from the field of schools, from children and youths centres, as well as everybody mediating dance professionally or in their spare time.

Leeres Studio der tanzhaus Akademie. Die weißen Vorhänge vor den großen Fenstern sind nur leicht zugezogen

Learning Goals

  • Acquiring special didactic teaching skills relating to the different dance techniques
  • Artistic analysis of contemporary and modern dance technique
  • Familiarising oneself with dance as a stage art (performance / choreography / technical requirements etc.)
Vier Kursteilnehmer*innen tanzen im hellen Studio des tanzhaus nrw

Intercultural Education

Alongside regular courses and workshops, the offerings comprise special opportunities in further education by providing topical focus in the areas of Oriental dance, flamenco, tap dance, Salsa, African dance, and Brazilian dance.

I want to dance

Lifestyle Education

Please find the following offerings on this topic:

  • Dance as expression of individual creativity, as a way of discovering one’s own body in its physical and psychological needs
  • Dance and body work as an opportunity to keep oneself and one’s body healthy
  • Dance as way of gaining more confidence
Beine schweben horizontal mit gestreckten Füßen in Trainingskleidung über den Boden

Any further questions?