Four artist portraits during lockdown

Screenshots der vier Filme in einem Bild

 29.04. – 02.05. On Demand via dringeblieben

Staying visible is currently a major concern, not least for artists. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, working methods, formats and collaborations need rethinking and new networks have to be developed. These transformation processes mostly happen behind the scenes. iDAS NRW has filmmakers Julia Franken and Cecilia Gläsker accompany four companies, ArtmannDuvoisin, bodytalk, Emanuele Soavi incompany and Kollektiv ZOO, from autumn 2020 to spring 2021. Documentary records from this special time will be created, that will celebrate their premiere as part of the tanz nrw festival.

Duration: ca. 50 min.

Concept, film, cut: Julia Franken, Cecilia Gläsker.
A production of iDAS NRW. iDAS NRW is a project of tanzhaus nrw, funded by Ministerium für Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen.