Contemporary Dance

Course with Paolo Fossa

The course in contemporary dance / contemporary dance technique is aimed at beginners with previous knowledge who would like to immerse themselves in a style characterized by flowing, expansive movement. It should invite to move freely and musically within the exercises and small choreographies. The participants should get a feeling for their individual physical possibilities with which they can acquire movement.

The warm-up consists of a classical structure, in which one works from yoga-based stretching exercises, through pliés, tendus, swings in the middle, as well as small sequences that prepare for contemporary floor work, towards a small choreography.

Also welcome are dancers who perhaps consider themselves more intermediate and would like to get to know a different, new style, as well as dancers who have previously danced more classical ballet and would like to try something new.

Paolo Fossa

Paolo Fossa

Paolo Fossa is choreographer, dancer and teacher. He has been working throughout Europe for the last 20 years, applying his knowledge of the body in movement to contemporary dance and improvisation. He teaches in many theatres, dance companies, at Folkwang University, Academy of Theatre and Dance Amsterdam University of Arts, Tanzhaus NRW in Düsseldorf, Fontys in Tilburg and DansArt Akademie in Bielefeld. In cooperation with these institutions he also realises choreographies that stand alongside his numerous independent productions. Some of his latest works: Körpererzählung (2019), Stray Dogs (2018).Due to his pronounced communicative and organisational skills, he has been running a dance education project in Shenzhen/China since 2017 together with the Giessen Dance Company, where he has been working as a ballet master for contemporary dance since 2015. The aim is to develop a curriculum for contemporary and improvisation techniques at the Shenzhen Arts School. Parallel to his work on stage, he works with private and city institutions and leads several social projects with young people. Together with the choreographer Gerda König, creator of the first project of the M.A.D.E. ( Mixed-Abled Dance Education ), he is working on the creation of a new method of studying contemporary dance, which will enable students and dancers with and without disabilities to pursue a joint education.


  • Course number
  • Type
  • Title
    Contemporary Dance
  • Instructor
    Paolo Fossa
  • Start date
    Wed 17:30 – 19:00
  • Fee
    288,00€ / 240,00€ discount